Discovery Session 
15 minutes free of charge

I'm super excited you're here!

This phone call is to determine what your needs are, how we can help, and if we are a good fit for each other.

Please note tax and accounting requirements are complex and differ from one business to another. I don’t give any tax or accounting advice during this call.

So if you need more advice on accounting, tax or any other business related questions, please book an hour PAID consultation here

If you can’t make the call please reschedule.

Thank you,


Business Overview and Consultation

1 hour
Virtual meeting details provided upon confirmation.
P 1500
Hello there!

Being a business owner is fulfilling and yet we admit that it can be overwhelming most of the time. Certain aspects of owning a business can’t be ignored because they are mandatory if you aim to have a sustainable business. Tax matters and book keeping are some of those tasks that can turn out to be a real headache, but luckily, these are very easy to outsource.

During the Business Overview and Consultation session, we discuss any business tax and accounting questions specific to your business. We will also dig deeper into your current financial systems and come up with the best strategies that fit your business.

You will receive an email and text message reminder. We take our calls seriously, and if you are not able to make it, please cancel/reschedule in advance. We will meet via Zoom.

I look forward to our call!

Thank you.