After working with several construction companies, we realised that this industry has unique challenges that ordinary accounting practices will not handle. The seasonality of the projects, tight profit margins, timing and availability of cash flow among others. Staying competitive in a dynamic environment requires proactive solutions that address more than just bookkeeping, tax and accounting.
Explore how our unique service offering can help you stay ahead of the game while staying focused on building those wonderful projects.

Reporting Costs and cost control

Construction projects are generally capital intensive. Depending on the accounting system you have set up there are two common practices when

 dealing with costs. Some companies report costs after receiving bills. Even worse, these costs are reported at the end of the year when the accountant is asked to compile financial statements for tax purposes. Although this practice may save you some few pulas, you are missing out on the most important aspect that is crucial to your bottom line, cost control and cost analysis.

In order to maximize profits for the shareholders, management must control costs at all stages of the project. Monitoring and controlling construction costs for materials, labour, sub-contractors, equipment and other general overheads may be one of the most important activities that would determine the success and profitability of your projects

Working with us gives your company an edge to capture all costs as committed costs allowing management time to address cost overruns in good time

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Managing Cash Flows

Many profitable construction companies fail because they simply run out of cash and are unable to pay their bills. We have also seen some

construction companies close business due to high tax liabilities at year end. Whatever, the reason for failure, most of these challenges can be minimised if addressed in time.

We will work with you to prepare annual cash flow projections, analyse your cash requirements so you have time to source the necessary funding if required.

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CFO Services

If you have a fully-fledged accounting department, we can work with your team as the external Finance manager. That gives you access to qualified

and experienced professionals at a fraction of the cost compared to having a fulfill finance manager.

Book a free consultation to find out how our outsourced CFO services can help your construction company

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Who we serve

From small to larger construction firms and beyond, we serve clients from every facet of the industry including:

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Strategies and decision making

The covid-19 pandemic has had immense change in the business world, positive for some industries and negative for others. Situations like these call for agility and flexibility in decision making, re-evaluation of strategies, and the way we do things going forward.


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