Secretarial Services

All companies in Botswana are regulated by the Botswana Companies Act. Foreign Companies and individuals can incorporate a company in Botswana or register as an external company (branch) if the company is an existing company incorporated outside Botswana.

Companies Act compliance

In terms of the Companies Act, an external company is required to appoint an “authorised agent” that is resident in Botswana to:

⦁ have responsibility for the management of the business of the external company in Botswana;
⦁ accept on the external company’s behalf service of process and any notices required to be served on the external company; and
⦁ be answerable for all such acts, matters and things that are required to be done by the company under the Companies Act by an authorised agent.

Our experienced staff will facilitate the process of company registration and compliance with the companies Act.


Income tax: Botswana’s tax system is source based, that is income generated from Botswana is taxable. The Botswana subsidiary maybe taxed at 22% whereas the External companies may get taxed at 30% whereas

VAT: In both cases (subsidiary or external company) are required to register for VAT if revenue reaches a minimum threshold of P1,000,000 (as of 2022). VAT of 14% is charged on Turnover. Check BURs website for any updates

We will help you register for the relevant taxes and submit your taxes in time to avoid any penalties

How we can help you start Doing Business in Botswana

If you wish to do business in Botswana as a resident or non-resident, we can help you in a number of ways including but not limited to;

Get in touch today and discover how we can add value to your business


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